Monday, May 2, 2011


A statement from the Communist Party of Swaziland (a banned organisation in Swaziland) to mark Workers’ Day – 1 May 2011.




MAY DAY 2011


Message of solidarity to the workers of Swaziland

Comrades, leaders of workers’ federations, affiliate leaderships and shopstewards, leaders of the progressive political and mass movement of the people. Workers, people in the countryside, women, youth and students. The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) brings revolutionary greetings to all of you on this important day of the workers and poor people of the world, May Day.

We are happy to add our voice to this important event - to be part of the struggles of the workers and the poor. The CPS is a new organization in the history of our struggle, though its members are not new to the struggle. The CPS believes that although it is only through concerted struggle by a broad popular front of forces that the Mswati regime will be finally toppled, it is the workers and the poor who will carry forward the demand for an end to class exploitation, and for setting Swaziland on the road to Socialism.

We join with all forces in the struggles for a better Swaziland to advance this goal, and we advance the political interests of the working class. The struggle of the workers and the poor is the reason for our existence as Communists.

We are inspired in this commitment from what the world could not deny. The progress where workers power developed into state power, as happened with from the October revolution of 1917 in Russia and the Cuban Revolution in 1959, to mention just a two instances, is the objective goal of working class power.

This May Day – the first such occasion during which Swaziland has a Communist Party – the CPS calls for the unity of workers to step up trade union-based and working class militancy against the Swazi regime.

We must start to make the country ungovernable in a targeted and strategic manner. We must start to put a vice-like grip on the economy so as to prevent economic collaboration with the regime from outside and so as to isolate Mswati’s rule and that of his puppet government and render them terminal.

We call on trade unions in South Africa and beyond who are in any way linked to economic dealings with the Swazi regime to look at how to block commercial imports to the country. We call for a boycott of business dealings with the Swazi regime and for pressuring all outside economic and business interests with a stake in Swaziland to freeze their dealings with the regime. As long as they continue to do business with Swaziland, they are furthering the oppression of the Swazi people and helping keep Mswati in his exploitative and rapacious lifestyle.

We are all witnesses of the disaster taking place in our country, a disaster that only the progressive unity of the people can correct.

This disaster is not of our creation. The manufacturers of this disaster are not with us. They are in a wedding being celebrated by another royal elite many thousands of miles away. When they come back here they will tell us they have seen great things and want to develop a policy of weddings in the country!

They have labeled our consciousness, action, and service to the poor and marginalized as being inspired by the devil. They say all this because we mobilized to protest against the regime. This protest only lasted a Few days but it exercised the regime and shook it. Think what could happen if it were to run for weeks or months!

This May Day we acknowledge the role of workers in building communities and nations and in serving society. We will have to rebuild our country and reverse the destruction carried out by the regime and the class enemy that have inflicted so much poverty and degradation on our people.

The CPS joins with the workers and poor of Swaziland to work towards building a country that is free from hunger, disease, malnutrition, poverty – a country with a modern and progressive identity, a country of pride, love and comfort, a country of progress and prosperity. The building process starts from the defeat of the class of oppressors.

How do we join the building process? Or how is it organized? We must first of all mobilize. We must make sure all the nation builders (the entire working class) are drawn to the entire process. The entire Working class including the unemployed, students, youth, women and people in the countryside are won over to the side of the workers. This is the force the workers need for this process. They must each know their role in the building process.

The process begins with the fight to destroy the class enemy of the workers and the poor – the Mswati regime and the hegemony of capitalism. They must all know they are fighting for their country, they are fighting for freedom in our land – a condition that will make us set the foundation of a modern society where slavery, oppression, segregation, dominance, and all other forms of oppression will be a crime.

We wish workers everywhere in the world special greetings this May Day. Our mutual practical solidarity is needed now more than ever before, as capitalism and imperialism scramble to revive and tighten their hegemony across the world. Our struggle will only succeed on a strong basis of internationalism and solidarity.






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