Saturday, September 4, 2010


Support for the Global Day of Action for a Democratic Swaziland has come from Denmark.

Here is a statement from Africa Contact.

Danish Unions and major Political Parties, as well as representatives
of Danish Civic Society, strongly support the Global Day of Action for
Multiparty Democracy in The Kingdom of Swaziland.

The Swaziland Democracy Campaign (SDC) has called for a Global Day of
Action on September 7 to focus on the lack of democratic development
in the Kingdom of Swaziland. For too long, the country's grave
challenges including a HIV/TB epidemic has been taken hostage by a
dictatorial Kingship that has been unable to move the country forward
and out of its deadlock. Today, state of affairs in Swaziland are
blocking the economic and political development that is desperately
needed to face the country's run-down healthcare and educational
system. Following questions in the Swazi parliament into the
corruption of the Royal family, the late King Sobhuza, at the time
only a constitutional head of state - amassed all legislative,
judicial and executive powers in 1973. The takeover was as
illegitimate as it was unjustifiable according to traditional Swazi
culture and customs, which always seeks a pluralistic dialogue on
issues and challenges facing the country.

Today, the current regime, headed by his son King Mswati II, is only
able to sustain itself through Africa’s longest lasting state of
emergency, leaving no space for any kind of political activity. Basic
freedoms of expression and assembly are being violated and leaders of
the democratic movement are being harassed and branded terrorists.

As representatives of the international community, the Global Day of
Action gives us an opportunity to demand an end to the State of
Emergency; that all executive, judicial and legislative powers be
returned to parliament; the unbanning of all political parties; an end
to the prosecution and harassment of the country’s democratic leaders;
and a return to a constitutional monarchy as before 1973.

Socialdemokratiet (the Danish Social Democratic Party), Enhedslisten
(the Danish Red Green Alliance), Swaziland Democracy Watch, Fag og
Arbejde (Danish National Union of Public Service Workers), BUPL
(Danish Preschool and Pedagogics National Union), Frit Forum (Danish
Social Democratic Students Movement), Internationalt Forum (Danish
Youth Organisation for International Solidarity), Africa Contact -

Contact information:
In Swaziland contact Morten Nielsen from Africa Contact’s
Danish delegation at +268 768 683 49

Swaziland Democracy Campaign is a broad coalition of progressive
organizations in Swaziland and South Africa that are united in their
demand for multiparty democracy in Swaziland. The global day of
Action calls for people throughout the world to be involved in some
form of action to help raise the issues facing the people of Swaziland.

There are three forms of action that one can choose from;
Joining the main Global March taking place in Manzini, Swaziland
Organizing a march to the Swazi embassy or consulate in your
country, or where no such embassy exists, to government offices to
raise the demands of the Swazi people

Sending messages of solidarity and demands to the Prime Minister’s
offices in Swaziland, including a copy to the SDC.

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